Documentation > Controller > Progression
In general for this section, the values control the value in the play queue item - and thus are not saved in the state.
So if you return to a play queue item again, it will retain the speed and fx level etc.
If you want to save these values more permanently for a visual, use a preset and optionally add it to a playlist.
You can control speed for the currently playing item in the play queue. 0% is halted / no movement for most visuals.
FX level controls the audio reaction level.
The minimum time before progression moves on to the next visual in the play queue.
This percentage times a random value between 0.1 is added to the base time when calculating a new countdown time which happens when a new visual is playing.
The formula is:
new_time = base_time + base_time * random_factor * random_value_0_to_1;
So if you want no randomness at all, set the random factor to 0%.
Then times can range from 60s to 90s and anything in between.